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    Hi ! Cute and very nice looking! Also, clever and good nature! In Shinjuku, I hear I’m such a girl, Haruchan!
    ‘Shinjuku Central Street’ town franchises me.
    It is a shopping street, straightened about 280meter eastward from the east central gate of Shinjuku Station, and about 110 unique shops have this joyful town’s membership.
    Such big names as ‘BICQLO’, ‘LUMINE EST’, ‘○I○I’, ‘ISETAN’ are the members, and a micro small shop that has only 8 guests’ seats is also the member! It’s a happy funny shopping street of variety like a kaleidoscope!
    Though a name of Shinjuku may remind you of strong impression that is interesting but dangerous, the east gate district has a big characteristic that couples and families, men’s groups and young adults, can have a relaxing time.
    Recently, lots of foreigners come to the town, and even they don’t speak Japanese, or they don’t understand Japanese customs, people in the town are so kind to them that they can enjoy the town with smile. Ain’t I, Haruchan, glad to feel, my town has become international?
    So, there are also ultra minor characters for my errand in the town, and that makes us live pretty merrily!
    Anyway, however much I explain, I can’t explain enough to speak, so why don’t you once come and see me? You can entrust the shops appeared on the homepage, with the both aspects of price and service, so why don’t you check it first when you come to Shinjuku?
    The 365 days, everyday is like a festival in Shinjuku, Yo-heave-ho! Yo-heave-ho! So, the day when you feel like coming is the day of Shinjuku! I’m waiting for you~~~~~~!!

Please Click Here for Details.

Every day in this fine day!Jikuser!

This is Jikuser!!! 
 This is Jikuser ! I’m an official character of ‘Sinjuku Central Street’, but the degree of name recognition points really zero all across the country (*_*). So, I’m not able to enter the Japan Character Association, and that is getting me down and sulky.
 More or less, to advertise ‘Shinjuku Central Street’ is my job, but my shy nature keeps me indoors somehow, and sometimes I only work to clean the office of Street.
 In ‘Shinjuku Central Street’ there are 2 Soft Characters beside me, and they don’t work same as me, I think.
 I found myself in this town, so maybe I was sent here from a far universe, and forgotten completely. I don’t know the faces of may parents, and nobody in the universe gives me any command.
 Probably I look quite a lonely person, but looking at visitors of the town everyday, I can become happy together, so I’m not bored.
 In ‘Shinjuku Central Street’, there is a boss girl named “Haruchan”, and she is so selfish, greedy, a heavy drinker, and works me so hard that I am scared.
 Everyone! ! When you come to Shinjuku, why don’t you stand by me? Please!

Four-panel Comic Starts with New Dress!!
From January 1, 2014

© 株式会社 あなたブランド究所

☆ Feb 17, 2016☆
TOP page MOBILE version released!

May 31, 2015 ☆
Top_Page 「Haruchan」 「Jikuser」 in the comments change !

Dec 19, 2014 ☆
Jikuser Blog「Jikuser and Camel a nice trip story-part2-」Renewal!

☆ Jun 6, 2014☆
「Half Ticket Service」 Poster of Wald9 Cinema has renewed.

☆Jul 21, 2012☆
Smartphone English Site has opened!

Oct 27, 2012 ☆
Images of Shops are updated on YouTube!
皆元気になってもらいたいねIt's Jikuser!  Welcome!!!


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